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Our Event Marketing Service is the easy & affordable way to fill the seats & ensure success of your event. Whether you need to get started or just a helping hand, we can offer professional & affordable online event marketing services. We help you to reach, connect & educate your target audience, through:
- Advance Website Development with features like Guest Management, Registration / Reminder Forms, Venue & Speaker Details & more!
- Targeted Lead Generation through Social Media & Search Engine Marketing Campaigns to reach to your exact target audience
- Extensive Mobile Marketing through SMS reminders, mobile searches & mobile marketing media
- Solid Pre, During & Post Event activities to ensure high level of engagement, not just for the attendees, volunteers or speakers, but also those who were not at the event
- Continuous Measurement Results
Some of the latest trends / technologies / tools we will extensively utilize to achieve the above are:
- Social Media including Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube & Pinterest
- QR Codes
- Mobile Ads
- Bloggers
- Email Marketing
- Webinars & Meetups / Tweetups
- Hashtags & more
All these tools will ensure your audiences (Even those who couldnt make it) are constantly kept engaged & feel part of the event & look forward to the next one from your den!
So, if you've got an upcoming event, we can sure help! Talk To Us Now!